
The Fulton Amateur Radio Club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the lower level of the Oswego County Office Building, across from Mimi's restaurant, Route 481 North, Fulton at 7PM. The purpose of our club is to promote amateur radio through involvement with the various facets of the hobby. Join us!

Whether you are a licensed amateur radio operator or just have an interest in radio and communications...please join us!


The Fulton Amateur Radio Club was founded in 1957 and aims to encourage interest in radio/electronics, provide license training and testing, and promote Amateur Radio for emergency communications. The club celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2007 with a Special Event Station, and continues to conduct successful operations and assist with public service events. Ham Radio plays a critical role in emergency communications during power outages and other natural disasters, and the Fulton ARC provides communications when needed. The club also offers license training and testing, technical assistance, and welcomes anyone to attend their meetings, held on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

Minutes from Previous Meetings: View Here

Fulton Amateur Radio Club Technician Licensing Class - Spring 2024

Submitted by AK2X on

Are you interested in amateur radio? The Fulton Amateur Radio Club is excited to announce our Technician Licensing Class this spring! This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone eager to dive into the world of amateur radio and earn their Technician license.

Class Details:

  • Dates: June 20th to August 29th, 2024
  • Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Location: Lake City Lodge, 765 East Seneca Street, Oswego, NY

What You Need to Know:

  • No Morse Code Required: You don't need to know Morse code for any license level.
  • Required Manual: We will be using the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual for Technicians (Red Cover), Fifth Edition (for use July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2026). Ensure you get the correct edition, as it will be needed for the course. Please note that manuals will not be provided at the class; you must obtain your own copy.

    Book available from book sellers including Amazon.com: Buy directly from the ARRL Website: https://home.arrl.org/action/Store/Product-Details/productId/2003373064


Contact Information: For more information about the class or any inquiries, please reach out to the following contacts:

  • Rick Boutell (WA2LBE): 315-963-3814
  • Michael Regan (KD2DVC): 315-591-3827
  • Ben Townsend (AK2X): 585-356-2479

Alternatively, you can email [email protected] for more details.

Don't miss out on this chance to start your journey in amateur radio with guidance from experienced instructors. Secure your spot and prepare to explore the exciting world of amateur radio!

Join us and become a licensed Technician!

For further details and to stay updated, feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to seeing you there!


2024 Membership Survey

Submitted by AK2X on

We presented the results of the survey at the May meeting, thanks to everyone who responded. If you'd like to be included in the Membership Directory and have not responded yet please feel free to add your details Click here to take the survey now


Introduction: We're excited to launch the Fulton Amateur Radio Club Member Information Survey! This is your chance to share your interests and help shape our club's future activities.

Why Your Input Matters: Your feedback is crucial in guiding our workshops, presentations, and community activities. Whether you're a seasoned ham or new to the hobby, your opinions will help us tailor our events to better suit our membership.

Survey Highlights:

  1. Update Contact Info: Keep your details current for better communication.
  2. Share Your Interests: From amateur radio facets to other hobbies like gardening or music, let us know what excites you!
  3. Volunteer Opportunities: Interested in leading a presentation or mentoring? Tell us in the survey.

How to Access the Survey: Find the survey on our club's website under the member section. It’s quick and easy, and your privacy will be fully respected.

Deadline: Please fill out the survey by May 21st 2024 to ensure your voice is heard. Results will be tabulated and presented at the May meeting.

Thank You! Your participation is vital to making our club more engaging. Let's make the Fulton Amateur Radio Club the best it can be!

Survey Link: Click here to take the survey now

We appreciate your time and are excited to see your responses!

Ben - AK2X - FARC Secretary & Webmaster

Accepting Applicants for the 2024 Thomas G. Cantine Jr. W2TQF Memorial Scholarship

Submitted by w2tqf on

Don't miss your chance to apply for the 2024 Thomas G. Cantine Jr. W2TQF Memorial Scholarship! If you're a licensed amateur radio operator in Oswego, Onondaga, Cayuga, or Jefferson counties, NY, and pursuing a career in fields like electronics, engineering, communications, and more, this $500 scholarship could be yours. Show us your commitment to amateur radio, leadership, and community service. Application deadline is May 25, 2024. For more details and to download the application, visit the scholarship page. Apply now and make your mark!


Submitted by AK2X on

Radio Club Meeting Dates:  Fourth Wednesday of the month at 7PM:

Meeting Location: Oswego County Building, 200 North Second St. (Route 481), across from Mimi's Restaurant, in Fulton.

The meeting location has plenty of parking and is wheelchair accessible.

No meetings during July and August

Send your ideas for meeting programs or if you would like to put on a presentation at the radio club meeting, contact a club member.

Past meeting topics have included (to name a few):

  • PSK31
  • Slow scan television
  • Portable battery types
  • Mobile radio installation
  • Antenna and tower installation
  • Bat tracking via Amateur Radio
  • 50th Anniversary Special Event Station
  • Home brewing QRP HF Transceivers
Guest speakerers:
  • Dave WJ2O, Ken N2ZN, and Redd AI2N on thier DXpedition
  • Steve N2TXK - Data acquisition using model rockets
  • Dave Eichorn 9WSYR Meteorologist - Weather in CNY and Doppler Radar
  • Keith WB2NVY - Communications on the Titanic
  • Bruce Frassinelli - Old Time Radio
  • Representatives from the ARRL, ARES and RACES
  • History of Electronics Park (GE)
  • DXpedition to Bhutan
  • HF Mobile Operations

Annual Picnic

Submitted by AK2X on

Our FARC Annual Picnic has been scheduled and reserved for Sunday, August 25th at  the Brietbeck Park pavilion from 9am til 9pm.  This will be discussed at the next FARC meeting. We are hoping to see all our members there. I will also schedule the catering of the chicken dinners from JT Flippin’ Chicken for our dinners. I will have more info at the next meeting.


contact person
Judy LaMay
contact email
Event type

ARISS Program

Submitted by kd2dvc on

So a few weeks ago I had my cousin over to help me with a few projects I couldn’t do myself.  One was restringing my cable for my long wire antenna. 

We got talking about amateur radio and school activities, then I told him about ARISS program.   We reviewed the current program and required documentation plus submitting dates.   Well he took the information to teachers at Oswego School District, and I believe we have a few that want to do live chat with the ISS next fall. 

Thus, I thought I should give everyone an update, and possibly notice that we might be getting a request to support a live chat session.   The current deadline in February 29, and according to my cousin I should be hearing something soon.   

I think this will be a wonderful opportunity for the club to promote Amateur Radio.   Plus if anyone has a child, niece or nephew, or know someone in any of the school districts, now it’s time to share the information.


License Courses

Technician Licensing Class - Spring 2024

The Fulton Amateur Radio Club is offering a Technician Licensing Class this spring!

Class Details:

  • Dates: June 20th - August 29th, 2024
  • Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Location: Lake City Lodge, 765 East Seneca Street, Oswego, NY

Manual Required:

  • ARRL Ham Radio License Manual for Technicians (Red Cover), Fifth Edition (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026). Please obtain your own copy.

Contact Info:

  • Rick Boutell (WA2LBE): 315-963-3814
  • Michael Regan (KD2DVC): 315-591-3827
  • Ben Townsend (AK2X): 585-356-2479
  • Email: [email protected]

For more details, visit our website article.

The Fulton Amateur Radio Club (FARC) offers instruction, support and testing for anyone interested in acquiring a Technician Class (entry level) FCC Amateur Radio License, as well as higher class licenses.

Amateur Radio, also known as Ham Radio, is a hobby that is accessible to almost anyone.  Age, background, national citizenship, even physical disabilities are not barriers to passing the necessary tests to receive your own FCC amateur radio license and callsign..

You can earn an entry level Amateur Radio Technician license by passing a 35-question multiple-choice examination. No Morse code test is required. The exam covers basic regulations, operating practices, and elementary electronics theory, with a focus on VHF and UHF applications.

Self-study license guides are available under the “links” section of the FARC website, at https://www.fultonamateurradioclub.org/ An instructor is also available to answer questions via telephone, e-mail or in person, one-on-one, at a time and place mutually acceptable to the student and instructor.  There is no fee for this service, though there is a small fee for the exam itself.

Questions regarding obtaining an Amateur Radio license may be directed to Redd Swindells, AI2N, at ai2n[at]twcny[dot]rr[dot]com

Interested parties are also encouraged to attend a meeting.  The Fulton Amateur Radio Club meets at 7 PM on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the lower level of the Oswego County Office Building, across from Mimi's restaurant, Route 481 North, Fulton.  

The primary purposes of the Fulton Amateur Radio Club are to promote the use of Amateur Radio for emergency communication, foster interest in radio/electronics and to provide license training and testing.


Thomas G. Cantine Jr W2TQF Memorial Scholarship

Tom Cantine

This scholarship was established after the untimely death of Thomas G. Cantine Jr, who was an active amateur radio operator for over 50 years.  Obtaining his license at the age of 13 in 1957, Tom held the call sign: W2TQF.  Tom’s hobby of amateur radio led to a career as a sales engineer and engineering consultant.  Tom taught amateur radio classes, was a volunteer examiner, active in ARES (Amateur Radio  Emergency Service), RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) and was a  charter member of the Fulton Amateur Radio Club and served as the president of the radio club for several terms.  This scholarship has been set up in memory of Tom and his passion for amateur radio.

The purpose of amateur (ham) radio is to foster the art of wireless communications, and to encourage goodwill, cooperation, education, and emergency preparedness among licensees at local, national, and global levels. Licensed amateurs agree to abide by license class rules outlined by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) after passing a written examination. A wide variety of activities and interests are available to the amateur radio operator. The Fulton Amateur Radio Club, founded in 1957, offers forums for discussion of relevant topics, instructions for amateur licensing, FCC license testing, and training for volunteer operators who provide wireless communications during special community events and emergencies.

This annual  college scholarship,  in the amount of $500, may be awarded to one or more licensed amateur radio operator(s) in the following New York state counties: Oswego, Onondaga, Cayuga and Jefferson.  Competition is open to undergraduate students  pursuing a career in  electronics, engineering, communications,  broadcasting, computer science,  medical, or business-related fields.

Selection is based on significant prior involvement in amateur radio,  evidence of outstanding leadership and community service.  The student must meet and fulfill the requirements listed below.

The $500 award will be paid in full to the student after successfully completion of one full semester with a GPA of 2.0 or higher.  The selection committee will comprise of members of the Fulton Amateur Radio Club and members of the Cantine family.  The Cantine family will have final authority on dispersing the award.

Requirements are:

1. The applicant must hold an active amateur radio license (any class).  Proof of license is required; a copy must be enclosed with the application.

2. The applicant must live in one of the following Central New York counties: Oswego, Onondaga, Cayuga or Jefferson.  Copy of license will verify address of applicant.

3. The applicant must be accepted into an accredited college or technical school.  The applicant may be a graduating high school senior or a current undergraduate college student.

4. The applicant must be pursuing a degree in electronics, engineering, communications, broadcasting, computer science, medical, or business-related field.

5. The applicant must submit a completed scholarship application and include at least two (2) letters of recommendation from any combination of the following: employer, teacher, clergy, neighbor, or friend.  Persons serving as references cannot be related to the applicant.

6. The completed application must be received by May 25, 2024.

The Scholarship Application Download Here


All scholarship information should be sent to:

The Thomas Cantine Jr W2TQF Memorial Scholarship, 2807 County Route 45, Fulton NY 13069

Scholarship questions to Pamela Cantine: [email protected] or phone 315-592-9305.

The Thomas Cantine Jr W2TQF Memorial Scholarship

The applicant must hold an active amateur radio license (any class). Proof of license is required; a copy must be enclosed with the application. The applicant must live in one of the following Central New York counties: Oswego, Onondaga, Cayuga or Jefferson County. Copy of license will verify address of applicant. The applicant must be accepted into an accredited college or technical school. The applicant may be a graduating high school senior or a current undergraduate college student. The applicant must be pursuing a degree in electronics, engineering, communications, broadcasting, computer science, medical or business-related fields. The applicant must complete the scholarship application and also include at least two (2) letters of recommendation. The written recommendations can be from an employer, teacher, clergy, neighbor or friend. The reference cannot be related to the applicant. The completed application (including the recommendations) must be mailed to the address provided and must be received by May 25, 2024.

Downloads - PDF Files
Send completed application to:
The Thomas Cantine Jr W2TQF Memorial Scholarship
2807 County Route 45
Fulton NY 13069
All application materials must be received by May 25, 2024.  Applications will not be accepted via email.
The Fulton Amateur Radio Club would like to thank you for applying for the Thomas G. Cantine Jr W2TQF
Memorial Scholarship.